Gemma Nash: Artist

Using sound to reimagine stories about people, places and objects

the pip tapes r&D #1

Crawshaw and Perrin

Curious by the recent use of cassette tapes for recording PIP assessments, I have been exploring the symbolism cassette tapes provide for crip culture.

As part of this exploration I have initiated a series of exchanges between other artists. Many of these artists have not met each other either virtually or in real time, creating an interesting conversation between strangers.

The first of these exchanges has been produced by two artists from very different backgrounds – Gill Crawshaw and Callum Perrin.

Crawshaw is a textile artist based in Leeds. Her narritive for The PIP Tapes explores 1980s counter culture, benefits and coming out as a disabled person. Within her piece she talks about the 1 in 12 club (pictured above), Leeds DIY cassette music scene, knitting and the search for some radical disabled people.

Perrin is a sound artist from London who recently took part in my online lockdown remix seassions. Perrin has skillfully remixed Crawshaw’s story into an intriguingly erie modern ambient track.

Full transcripts of both sound pieces can be found here: The PIP Tapes R&D 1 – Transcripts

For further details about the The PIP Tapes and the questions it raises The PIP Tapes Intro for more details.

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© 2025 Gemma Nash: Artist

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