Delivering talks, lectures and workshops for organisations who are interested in sound, art, intersectionality and the ‘othered’ body. Audiences include sound engineers, health professionals, change makers and technology researchers.
Recent Work
Intersectionality for people wth Learning Disabilities
Zoom Talk: Exploring what intectionality means for people with a learning difficulty. Focusing on a mixture of social identities, such as – queer, black and disabled people.
Event: NWTDT Pathways Annual Conference for and by learning disabled people in the North West.
Art & Disability Justice
Talk: Disability Art as an inter-related aspect of social justice for marginalised individuals and communities globally.
Event: With For About, Annual Heart of Glass Conference. Is art, and the making of art, the last frontier in the fight for democracy and the realisation of civil society?
Disabled Women and Inclusion
Talk: Highlighting the additional barriers disabled women face in key socio-economic areas – such as education, employment and safety.
Event: Pankhurst-Fawcett Scorecard, Manchester Metropolitan University. A new initiative which will see the region leading the change for progress and accountability for gender quality.
Please see Past Talks for examples of previous speaking engagements.